We will be closed on Monday, May 26th in honor of Memorial Day. 

Mobile Banking Frequently Asked Questions

Application Installation/Setup

Q: Who is allowed to use the iPhone or Android Mobile Banking Applications?
 A: Any customer with personal accounts and online banking may access the App.  The customer must also be in good standing with the financial institution.

Q: What do I need in order to register for the application?
 A: You will need the following information to register for online banking & in turn, the mobile app:

Q: Do I need to be the primary account holder in order to register to use the Mobile Banking Application?
A: No.  As long as you have a social security number tied to an existing account you will be able to register.

Q: Is there a cost to use mobile banking?
A: First National Bank of Burleson does not charge fees to download or use the Mobile App.

*Your mobile carrier may charge for text messaging and web access services. Contact your carrier for information about their fees.

Q: Where do I go to download the Mobile App?
A: You can search for First National Bank of Burleson Mobile Banking in the App Store for Apple devices or Google Play for Android.  You can also find a link to the app on our web page at www.firstburleson.com.

Q: When I search First National Bank of Burleson Mobile Banking in the Google Play (Android Marketplace), I can’t find the App.  What am I doing wrong?
A: When searching for First National Bank in Google Play, try searching with quotation marks, i.e. “First National Bank of Burleson”.  Our app has certain requirements that must be met by an Android phone to operate correctly.  If your phone doesn’t meet these, the app is not displayed in the store for your phone.

Q: What are the minimum versions of iOS and Android that are needed to run?
A: The minimum for Apple devices is iOS 6.0. The minimum for Android devices is Android 8.

Q: I am trying to register on the App; why does it keep saying I cannot be verified?
A: If you are certain you are entering the correct information, please call First National Bank of Burleson at 817-295-0461 for assistance. Please note your call will be handled during business hours. If after business hours, please leave a message at Ext. 208 or 206 and your call will be handled during business hours on the next business day.

Q: I’m receiving an error message, null, what does this mean?
A: This could be a one-time occurrence due to a connectivity problem. Please try the operation again. If the issue reoccurs contact our Internet Banking Manager at 817-295-0461 for assistance.

Q: I don’t have an iPhone or Android; will you have an App for say iPad, Blackberry or other Smart phones?
A: There is a tablet app available in both the iTunes App Store and the Google Play Store.

Access Issues

Q: What if I have forgotten my username or password.  How can I retrieve it?
A: If the user name or password has been lost, call us at 817-295-0461 to speak to the internet banking representative or email us at online@fnbburl.com to reset your login credentials.

Q: I am having difficulty with creating a username for Online Banking.
A: The username is restricted to between 6-17 characters in length and has to have ALL lowercase letters.

Q: I am having difficulty creating a password for Online Banking.
A: The password must contain the following:

Q: Do I always have to use my username and password to access my accounts?
A: You can choose to save your username, but you must still enter in the password.

Q: What about security alerts?
A: You can also receive security alerts. To enable security alerts, you must first be logged in, click on the Settings button (located in the scrolling menu bar and/or at the bottom of the app)–and select Security Alerts.  You will be required to enter an email address to activate alerts. Then, choose from the list of available alerts you can receive.

Q: I cannot logout from the application. What should I do?
A: For Apple devices, press the “Log Out” button in the upper right hand corner of the App.

For Android phones, the customer can press the dedicated settings/menu button on their device, which will bring up a sub-menu within the application.  Once the sub-menu is brought up, the customer then has the option to select “Logout” to leave the application and end the current session. Or simply click on the button in the top right corner to log out.

Q: How often must I change my Mobile Banking Application password?
A: The system will require you to change your password once every 180 days.

Q: Will my Mobile Banking account be deactivated due to a lack of use?
A: An account will remain active if logged in at least once every 90 days either through the mobile app or online banking. After 90 days of inactivity, your account will be locked, and then removed from the system after 120 days.

Q: How do I reset my password?
A: Please call a New Accounts Representative at 817-295-0461 to reset your password.

Q: How can I find my username/ID?
A: Please call a New Accounts Representative at 817-295-0461 to obtain your user ID.

Q: How can I change my username?
A: User names cannot be changed from the App.  If you need your username changed please call a New Accounts Representative at 817-295-0461 during business hours for assistance.

Q: Do I use the same username/password I have for online banking?
A: Yes.

Q: I received an error message, what does that mean?
A: This could be a one-time occurrence due to a connectivity problem. Please try the operation again. If the issue re-occurs, please call a New Accounts Representative at 817-295-0461 for assistance.

Functionality Issues

Q: Do I have the capability to deposit checks from this App?
A: Yes.

Q: Do I have the ability to make my loan payments from the App?
A: This feature will be added in a future release.

Q: I see I have the ability to turn on and turn off my debit card if for some reason I think I lost it or it may have been stolen. If customer service kills my card at the bank, can I still turn it back on from my App when I find it?
A: No, you will not have the ability to turn your debit card back on if the bank has killed your card for you. You can expect to receive a new debit card.

Q: Who do I call if I have questions or problems with Mobile Banking?
A: If you have questions please contact our Internet Banking Manager at 817-295-0461 for assistance.

Q: I have multiple accounts, but I can’t do a transfer from one account to the other?
A: If you have any questions, please contact Customer Service at 817-295-0461 for assistance.

Q: Why can't I receive alerts like I do with online banking?
A: Your security is our highest priority. The alerts options you have in mobile are triggered by actions that can only occur within the First National Bank of Burleson mobile application. More security alerts options are coming soon.

Q: I am a signer on another account and it shows up on my App. I don’t want it on there, how can Iremove that account?
A: You can only hide the account on the web browser by going to the Personalize page, select the account you wish to hide under account settings and then turn "hide account" on.

Q: After selecting “Get Directions” from the Locations menu, the customer is unable to continue with the current session.
A: When selecting “Get Directions” the customer is actually leaving the application session and continuing to Google Maps.  The customer will need to login once again to access content within the application.